Report abuse

To file an abuse complaint for a service provided by Gandi, you can:

  1. Fill out the form below

    The form will send your complaint to

  2. Call +33.170377661

    The answering machine will provide you with the procedure to follow

  3. Write directly to

    Please be sure to include any elements that will back up your complaint.

All abuse complaints will be handled by one of our agents, 24/7.

Contact the abuse department

For any court order or arbitral award (UDRP award or any decision by an arbitral authority designated by the registries to handle alternative dispute resolution procedures), Gandi will execute the order to the best of its ability within the required deadline (10 workdays starting from the notification of the decision of the arbitral authority within the framework of a UDRP decision, in application of rule 4k of the guiding principles of the uniform domain name resolution procedures). Gandi will handle each request that emanates from a governmental or quasi-governmental (Independent Administrative Authority,...) within the framework of applicable law.

The fields with * are mandatory

Learn more about the complaint procedure: